Workshop by Allan Wexler


Event: Workshop by Allan Wexler
Place: UdK der Künste, Program Art in Context
Date: 29 November 2013
Subject: Allan Wexler’s Workshop

Loosening up

The following day after Allan Wexler’s lecture at the Museum der Dinge a workshop took place.

About 15 students (most of them attending the program Art in Context) attended.

After arranging in a circle we started with a apparently quite simple task, which had to be done several times by each student: „Irene, move the stone from table A to table B.”

Recognizing that even this simple task of moving the stones contains infinite possibilities, the students came up with lots of creative solutions.

After this introduction we started on the second hands-on part, now we designed safe-keepings for the stones, our treasures.

The used material was restricted to cardboard, cutter and glue. How can we make use of the cardboard, can change, dissolve, defibrate, cut, glue the material to create various designs?

Through continuing the model making we learned to experiment, using series, reinterpret and be persistent to get the best out of an idea rather than throwing it away. In between we discussed the results.

Allan Wexler: ”There’s no bad idea – You just have to make a good thing out of it”

Treasure Chest

Text: Irene Kriechbaum
Pictures: Miro Kaygalak